Scrabble Dictionary

Check if your word is playable in Scrabble.

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Scrabble Dictionary

Our scrabble dictionary tool uses a multitude of trusted sources such as Merriam-Webster, Wordnet, Century and Wiktionary to validate words played in scrabble, you can also look up definitions of those words.

Scrabble Word Finder

One of the best tools on the net is our scrabble word finder which you can use to help you cheat at word based games like words with friends and Scrabble. Use it as a anagram solver to find words you can make from random letters. Even works for Wordle!

Scrabble Word Lists

We provide one of the largest scrabble word lists that contain, start and end with any letter from over 9,000 words all updated to the new (OTCWL2014).

More Than Just A Scrabble Dictionary

Curious if a word is valid in the Scrabble dictionary? Look no further! We're a premier destination for word verification across various word-based games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, Internet Scrabble Club, Quadplex, Lexulous, Just Words, Scrabble Sprint, and The Pixie Pit.

But we are much more than that...

We offer an array of resources, including anagram solvers, comprehensive word lists, invaluable tips & tricks, guides, and self-help tools tailored to enhance your skills and outsmart your opponents in any word game. Additionally, webmasters can access our developer tools to seamlessly integrate these services into their own websites and applications.

Word Lists great for playing with Scrabble

Our word lists are more than just words, they are tools to help you develop and hone your skills in scrabble to help you surpass your opponent and make you the better scrabble player that you already are.

The most important thing any professional scrabble player will tell you is that the key to winning at scrabble is memorizing as many words as you can. The more you have in your arsenal the more you can dominate the board and win, it's really just that simple.