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Ah Definition


An instance of the interjection ah.
from the English-language Wiktionary


Used to express various emotions, such as satisfaction, surprise, delight, dislike, or pain.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
An expression of relief, relaxation, comfort, confusion, understanding, wonder, awe, et cetera according to uttered inflection.
from the English-language Wiktionary
A word used for drama or emphasis.
from the English-language Wiktionary
A syllable used to fill space, particularly in music.
from the English-language Wiktionary
An exclamation, expressive of surprise, pity, complaint, entreaty, contempt, threatening, delight, triumph, etc., according to the manner of utterance.
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English


Eye dialect spelling of i., most often indicating that the speaker is using an american (particularly southern) accent.
from the English-language Wiktionary

An exclamation expressive of pain, surprise, pity, compassion, complaint, contempt, dislike, joy, exultation, etc., according to the manner of utterance.
from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia


from Free Scrabble Dictionary
Anno hegirae.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
Arts and humanities.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary

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