Scrabble Dictionary

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Yes, can is playable

...and is worth 7 points.

Found in the following dictionaries

Enable (Words with friends)
SOWPODS (Collins Scrabble Words)
OTCWL2014 (NASPA Word List 2014)
TWL06 (NASPA List 2006)

"Can" Definition


A usually cylindrical metal container.
An airtight container, usually made of tin-coated iron, in which foods or beverages are preserved.
Slang A jail or prison.
Slang A naval destroyer.
Slang A toilet or restroom.


Can of worms A complex or difficult problem.
In the can Completed and ready for release, as a film or scene of a film.


Slang To dismiss from employment or school. See Synonyms at dismiss.
To seal in an airtight container for future use; preserve: canning peaches.


Usage Problem Used to request or grant permission: Can I be excused?.
Used to indicate physical or mental ability: I can carry both suitcases. Can you remember the war?.
Used to indicate possession of a specified capability or skill: I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it.
Used to indicate possession of a specified power, right, or privilege: The President can veto congressional bills.
Used to indicate possibility or probability: I wonder if my long lost neighbor can still be alive. Such things can and do happen.


To be able to do, make, or accomplish.
To have knowledge or skill.
Know how to.
Be physically or mentally able to.
Be permitted by conscience or feeling to.
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