Scrabble Dictionary

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Yes, cap is playable

...and is worth 9 points.

Found in the following dictionaries

Enable (Words with friends)
SOWPODS (Collins Scrabble Words)
OTCWL2014 (NASPA Word List 2014)
TWL06 (NASPA List 2006)

"Cap" Definition


A capital letter.
A crown for covering or sealing a tooth.
A fitted covering used to seal a well or large pipe.
A percussion cap.
A protective cover or seal, especially one that closes off an end or a tip: a bottle cap; a 35-millimeter lens cap.


Cap in hand Humbly or submissively.


To apply the finishing touch to; complete: cap a meal with dessert.
To award a special cap to as a sign of rank or achievement: capped the new women nurses at graduation.
To capitalize.
To cover, protect, or seal with a cap.
To follow with something better; surpass or outdo: capped his last trick with a disappearing act that brought the audience to its feet.


To provide or protect with a cap.
To give a cap to as a symbol of honor, rank, or achievement.
To form a cap over.
To follow with something more noticeable or more significant.
To bring to a climax or conclusion.


Civil Air Patrol.
Combat air patrol.
Capitalize; capitalized.
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