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Yes, chime is playable

...and is worth 13 points.

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Enable (Words with friends)
SOWPODS (Collins Scrabble Words)
OTCWL2014 (NASPA Word List 2014)
TWL06 (NASPA List 2006)

"Chime" Definition


A single bell, as in the mechanism of a clock.
Agreement; accord: a flawless chime of romance and reality.
An apparatus for striking a bell or set of bells to produce a musical sound.
Music A set of tuned bells used as an orchestral instrument. Often used in the plural.
The rim of a cask.


Chime in To go together harmoniously; agree.
Chime in To interrupt the speech of others, especially with an unwanted opinion.
Chime in To join in harmoniously.


To be in agreement or accord: harmonize: Their views chimed with ours. The seafood and wine chimed perfectly.
To make a musical sound by striking a bell or set of bells.
To sound with a harmonious ring when struck.


To call, send, or welcome by chiming.
To produce (music) by striking bells.
To repeat insistently.
To signal or make known by chiming: The clock chimed noon.
To strike (a bell) to produce music.


To make a musical and especially a harmonious sound.
To make the sounds of a chime.
To be or act in accord .
To cause to sound musically by striking.
To produce by .
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