A portion or list, especially a list of candidates for an office.
from the English-language Wiktionary
A regular court in which the certain lords had jurisdiction over local disputes, or the physical area of this jurisdiction.
from the English-language Wiktionary
Abbreviation of leetspeak.
from the English-language Wiktionary
The European pollock.
from the English-language Wiktionary
Awesome, typically to describe a feat of skill; cool, sweet.
from the English-language Wiktionary
Having superior social rank over others; upper class, elite.
from the English-language Wiktionary
Of or related to leetspeak.
from the English-language Wiktionary
Possessing outstanding skill in a field; expert, masterful.
from the English-language Wiktionary
Simple past of let.
from the English-language Wiktionary
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