from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
A fingernail or toenail.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
A measure of length formerly used for cloth, equal to 1/16 yard (5.7 centimeters).
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
A slim, pointed piece of metal hammered into material as a fastener.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Something resembling a nail in shape, sharpness, or use.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Nail down To discover or establish conclusively: nailed down the story by checking all the facts.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Nail down To specify or fix: We were finally able to nail down a meeting time.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Nail down To win: nailed down another victory in the golf tournament.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
To fasten with or as if with a nail.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
To fix in steady attention .
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
To expose usually so as to discredit.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
To arrest or punish for an offense.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
To put out (a runner) in baseball.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
Baseball To put out (a base runner).
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Slang To detect and expose: nailed the senator in a lie; nail corruption before it gets out of control.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Slang To perform successfully or have noteworthy success in: nailed the dive; nailed the exam.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Slang To stop and seize; catch: Police nailed the suspect.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Slang To strike or bring down: nail a bird in flight; nail a running back.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
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