A unit of volume in Egypt (and formerly Turkey) corresponding to about 1.2 litres.
from the English-language Wiktionary
A unit of weight in Egypt (and formerly Turkey): 37 grams (one twelfth ratl) in Egypt, 320 grams in Aleppo, 213.39 grams in Beirut, 240 grams in Jerusalem.
from the English-language Wiktionary
An Egyptian and former Turkish unit of weight, variable but now usually equal to approximately 1.3 kg (23/4 lb).
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An Egyptian and former Turkish unit of capacity equal to approximately 0.2 litre (1/3 pint).
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A variety of cured Canadian cheese, made by Trappist monks.
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geographical name
River 530 (853 ) Russia in Asia flowing from the Sayan Mountains into the Angara.
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River 919 (1479 ) Russia in Europe flowing into the Volga.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
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