Scrabble Dictionary

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Yes, on is in the scrabble dictionary

...and is worth 3 points by itself if you played it.

On Definition


At the expense of; compliments of: drinks on the house.
Concerning and to the disadvantage of: We have some evidence on him.
Concerning; about: a book on astronomy.
Used to indicate a means of conveyance: ride on a train.
Used to indicate a medicine or other corrective taken or undertaken routinely: went on a strict diet.


Baseball Having reached base safely; on base: Two runners are on.
Being in operation: The television is on.
Happening; taking place: The parade is on.
Informal Functioning or performing at a high degree of competence or energy: The goalie is really on.
Planned; intended: We have nothing much on for this weekend.


In a condition of being scheduled for or decided upon: There is a party on tonight.
In a continuous course: He worked on quietly.
In or at the present position or condition: stay on; hang on.
In or into a position of being attached to or covering something: Put your clothes on.
In or into a position or condition of being supported by or in contact with something: Put the coffee on.


On and off Intermittently.
On and on Without stopping; continuously.


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