Scrabble Dictionary

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Yes, pace is playable

...and is worth 10 points.

Found in the following dictionaries

Enable (Words with friends)
SOWPODS (Collins Scrabble Words)
OTCWL2014 (NASPA Word List 2014)
TWL06 (NASPA List 2006)

"Pace" Definition


A gait of a horse in which both feet on one side are lifted and put down together.
A manner of walking or running: a jaunty pace.
A step made in walking; a stride.
A unit of length equal to 30 inches (0.76 meter).
Five Roman feet or 58.1 English inches, measured from the point at which the heel of one foot is raised to the point at which it is set down again after an intervening step by the other foot.


To advance or develop (something) at a particular rate or tempo: a thriller that was paced at a breathtaking speed.
To measure by counting the number of steps needed to cover a distance.
To set or regulate the rate of speed for.
To train (a horse) in a particular gait, especially the pace.
To walk or stride back and forth across: paced the floor nervously.


To go at the pace. Used of a horse or rider.
To walk with long deliberate steps.


With the permission of; with deference to. Used to express polite or ironically polite disagreement: I have not, pace my detractors, entered into any secret negotiations.
Contrary to the opinion of .


To walk with often slow or measured tread.
To move along .
To go at a pace .
To measure by pacing .
To cover at a walk .
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