: A large vaulted passageway leading through a tenement-style building from the main street, giving access to the rear of the building or an internal courtyard.
from the English-language Wiktionary
Oil cake; penock.
from the English-language Wiktionary
English regional (East Anglian). Pressure, strain; an awkward or difficult situation.
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An arch, an archway; an arched or vaulted roof or canopy; the vaulted ground floor of a tower or fortified building; a covered passage or entry; (in later use) especially one leading off a street frontage.
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To delay or wait before action on something.
from the English-language Wiktionary
Now informal. To depend on or upon.
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To await conclusion or resolution.
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To pinch, be constricting. Also: to press or beat down. Compare pend. Now English regional (East Anglian).
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To treat as pending; to postpone deciding on or attending to; to defer.
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