Scrabble Dictionary

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Yes, send is playable

...and is worth 6 points.

Found in the following dictionaries

Enable (Words with friends)
SOWPODS (Collins Scrabble Words)
OTCWL2014 (NASPA Word List 2014)
TWL06 (NASPA List 2006)

"Send" Definition


The lift of a wave .


Nautical Variant of scend.
To dispatch someone to convey a message or do an errand .
To dispatch a request or order .
To strike or thrust so as to impel violently .
To consign to death or a place of punishment.


Send down Chiefly British To suspend or dismiss from a university.
Send for To request to come by means of a message or messenger; summon.
Send in Sports To put (a player) into or back into a game or contest: The coach is sending in the kicker.
Send off Sports To eject (a player), as from a soccer game, especially for a flagrant violation of the rules.
Send up Informal To make a parody of: "grandiloquently eccentric but witty verbiage . . . that would send up the nastiness of suburban London” ( New York).


Send flying Informal To cause to be knocked or scattered about with force: a blow to the table that sent the dishes flying.
Send packing To dismiss (someone) abruptly.


Slang To transport with delight; carry away: That music really sends me.
To cause to be conveyed by an intermediary to a destination: send goods by plane.
To cause to take place or occur: We will meet whatever vicissitudes fate may send.
To direct (a person) to a source of information; refer: sent the student to the reference section of the library.
To direct to go on a mission: sent troops into the Middle East.
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