Scrabble Dictionary

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Yes, tie is in the scrabble dictionary

...and is worth 3 points by itself if you played it.

Tie Definition


A beam or rod that joins parts and gives support.
A contest so resulting; a draw.
A cord, string, or other means by which something is tied.
A necktie.
An equality of scores, votes, or performance in a contest: The election ended in a tie.


Music To join (notes) by a tie.
To bring together in relationship; connect or unite: friends who were tied by common interests; people who are tied by blood or marriage.
To confine or restrict as if with cord: duties that tied him to the office.
To fasten by drawing together the parts or sides and knotting with strings or laces: tied her shoes.
To fasten or secure with or as if with a cord, rope, or strap: tied the kite to a post; tie up a bundle.


Tie in To bring into or have a close or effective relation; connect or coordinate: two events that do not tie in; tying the movie promotion in with the book sales.
Tie into To attack energetically.
Tie up Nautical To secure or be secured to a shore or pier; dock.
Tie up To impede the progress of; block: The accident tied up traffic.
Tie up To keep occupied; engage: She was tied up in a meeting all morning. The phone was tied up for an hour.


Tie one on Slang To become intoxicated; go on a drinking spree.
Tie the knot Slang To get married.
Tie the knot Slang To perform a marriage ceremony.


To achieve equal scores in a contest.
To be fastened or attached: The apron ties at the back.
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