A lure, such as a spoon or spinner, that is used for trolling.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Music A vocal composition in successive parts; a round.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
The act of trolling for fish.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
A lure or a line with its lure and hook used in .
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
Music To sing heartily: troll a carol.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Music To sing in succession the parts of (a round, for example).
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Slang To patrol (an area) in search for someone or something: "[Criminals] troll bus stations for young runaways” ( Pete Axthelm).
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
To fish in by trailing a baited line: troll the lake for bass.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
To cause to move round and round .
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
To sing the parts of (as a round or catch) in succession.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
To sing loudly.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
To celebrate in song.
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
To fish for by .
from Free Scrabble Dictionary
Music To sing heartily or gaily.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
Slang To patrol an area in search for someone or something.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
To fish by trailing a line, as from a moving boat.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
To roll or spin around.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
To wander about; ramble.
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
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