Webmasters can embed or download an anagram generator into your existing website which we provide the ability for you to do that. With just adding some simple code to your website you can provide an anagram widget solver at blazing speeds. Our anagram generator will return results in under a second. All you have to do it add a simple piece of code to your website and you can easily start providing an anagram generator to your users. We keep the anagram generator small and clean so it ties right into your existing website. We have multiple word lists you can choose from including Standard English, TWL06, SOWPODS, Spanish, German and French word solvers.
Our anagram generator uses an small javascript code which calls an iframe that will tie into your website. Our code will display the anagram generator at a width="350" and height="300" with scroll bars. With being a width of 350 pixels it will tie in nicely with any mobile browser or mobile website you may have. The reason for the scroll bars is so if there are many words returned users can scroll down to view all the words. We also use a plain white background.