Scrabble Word Finder

Scrabble® Word Finder is our very simple tool to find words you can use from unscrambled letters in your word game. We have recently redesigned our word finder to make it more simple and easier to use. Just type your letters into the search box and that's it! If you have other letter possibilities outside of what is in your hand you can use a question mark to find even more words that might help you score that win in your game.

You can use wildcards(?) for missing letters and they appear in red.

Need more words?

If you really want to step up your game the best thing you can do is try and memorize as many words as possible. We have a ton of word lists with words starting, ending or containing any letter. The most important words to memorize since they tend to be the highest scoring words are Z words, J, X and Q Words.

Simple ways to use our tool

If our scrabble word finder is leaving you scratching your head he simplest way to use it is to simply enter your letters and hit "Find Word". This option will simply return all available words with the letters you entered. It's the best and quickest way to get results if you are in a hurry and don't want to spend the time trying to figure out.

Another great way to use our scrabble word finder is to look at your current board and see what other letters you can build off of. You can enter those letters as prefix and suffix's. By doing this you open the possibilities to more options in your game and rack up some serious points. You can also use these letters in the middle of your word so that way you can take advantage of it's position and maybe plan ahead to build something else later. Thinking ahead and staying one step ahead of your opponent is what is going to separate you from the average player to the pro.


From time to time we get questions from other users asking us what we think is the best strategy to take when using our tools. The one main thing we have found out is when trying to find a word you will want to not just use your letters but also look and see what is available to you on your board. By doing so you open up so many other possibilities. Don't just get stuck on your letters. Expand yourself and think of the different ways.

For instance:

  • Using letters in the middle of a word can be a way to see more options. Most people will just look at the end letters and not realize there are so many other ways you can place your tiles.
  • Take your Time - Don't let the other player rush you. Basic rules allow you to take your time.
  • We hope our tips and strategies help you out. If you like this article then please share it with your friends. Don't hoard it for yourself, share the wealth.